Wednesday, March 12, 2008
be kind
remember every one you meet is fighting a battle – everybody’s lonesome.
Marion Parker

Be kind. This will be my new motto. Be kind - two very humble and simple words that encourage greatness.

Every one of us fights a battle every day. They may come in the form of a crumbling marriage, unrequited love, difficult kids, health problems, money issues, an addiction, or something as minor as a toothache.

I recently admitted defeat when I learned that a person dear to me had been going through a hard time. Here I was thinking of myself and almost hating the person for not extending a hand during my own difficult time. Turns out he’d been having a difficult time as well. I was so engrossed in my own sorrow that instead of extending a hand, I hardly moved a finger. We might’ve drifted apart in that 4 months out of all those 34 years. I hope we have not.

I’ve also been a little disappointed at a brother for not helping out. I even sent him an email with words I wouldn’t have the guts to say 2 years earlier. But desperate times call for desperate measures, so I told him what I thought. Like an older sister to a younger brother, only I was younger. And he replied and apologized. Yesterday I received an anonymous email saying he slashed his wrist twice, out of loneliness, out of desperation, wanting to be out of a hellish marriage. I knew about the cause, but I was not aware of the effects.

I’ve been harsh on kom. She says one thing and I snap at her. A simple yes or no would’ve sufficed, but I snap at her. She retreats but still I glower. It’s only when I’ve mellowed down that she lets her guard down and cries. I hate seeing her cry like so, but still I make her cry.

I’m no saint. I can be uncaring when I want to. I can be such a bitch to the people I love just for the heck of it. But then I feel guilty afterwards. Maybe it’s because I know I can be a fine person as well. Wouldn’t it save me so much energy to just be kind? Anger needs a lot more space, takes up more brain power, causes more damage, and triggers heartache.

So I will try to be kind. Because everybody feels lonesome, too.
posted by click & crash @ 3/12/2008 03:52:00 PM  
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